As the years pass and technology develops, so does more and more opportunities for debt collectors to harass debtors. Gone are the days of debt collectors solely knocking at your door and calling your landline phone. Now, they are using text messaging, email and social media in addition to their old-fashioned techniques. This leads to debt collectors easily stepping out of their bounds in some of the various ways:

  • Posting about your debt on a public social media page
  • Making public shameful tweets on Twitter about seeking you for a debt
  • Threatening you through any social media network
  • Using language that is obscene or profane in any of their messages
  • Contacting your friends or followers in regards to your debt
  • Continuing social media contact after requested to stop
  • Making a fake online profile or using a fake name while contacting you about a debt
  • All of these cases are unacceptable behavior for debt collectors. Even as a debtor, you should not be treated in these ways. If any of the above is happening to you, follow these three steps:


If you believe a debt collector is harassing you online, keep records of the messages, posts and other texts you see as unacceptable. Having clear records can help determine if you are being harassed.


Even as a debtor, you have rights. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 USC 1692 et. seq. protects consumers for harassment, abuse and threats at the hands of third party debt collectors. Although the FDCPA does not clearly address online harassment, you are still protected by this act.


We are here to help. The Eason Law Firm, LLC is a consumer protection firm that specializes in winning FDCPA cases. If you have been the victim of online harassment from debt collection agencies, contact James Eason online or at (314) 932-1066 to schedule a consultation. If we’re successful in your FDCPA case, the debt collection agency will pay your attorney’s fees and possibly damages.