Every day, Missouri residents get in their cars and drive to work, school, the store and various other locations. Prior to these excursions, the individual usually does a quick to check to make sure that there is enough gas in the tank and that everything appears to be safe. The seat belt is fastened and the journey begins. Even though this preparation only takes a moment, it is necessary in order to protect the individual in case of motor vehicle accidents. Unfortunately, these safeguards are not always enough.

Recently, one Missouri man left home and almost certainly had every intention of returning home after completing the stops he needed to make. However, this never happened. Rather than returning home, he was involved in a fatal motor vehicle accident. The safety preparations he most likely made prior to leaving home were futile.

As this individual was traveling westbound on County Road 2110, another driver was heading eastbound. Something happened, and the eastbound driver veered across the center line and into the westbound land. The eastbound vehicle crashed into the front of the westbound one. The driver in the westbound vehicle died as a result.

Motor vehicle accidents occur on a daily basis throughout Missouri. While most are minor and cause little damage, others take the lives of innocent victims. When an individual is injured or killed in such an accident, it may be necessary to pursue the matter through legal channels. Experienced legal counsel can review the situation and offer recommendations regarding the best way to proceed.