Dealing with debt collectors is hard enough under the best of circumstances. It can be made an even more difficult and frustrating experience when collection agencies lie to you.

Federal law has provisions aimed at protecting consumers from dishonest behavior by collection agencies. For example, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act generally bans debt collectors from using false, misleading or deceptive statements in collection efforts.

Unfortunately, a behavior being prohibited by federal law doesn’t mean that all collection agencies will stay away from it. Sometimes, in their efforts to make a profit, debt collectors cross the line and engage in illegal collection practices. This might include illegally lying to consumers.

So, there are various dishonest claims that consumers may want to be on the lookout for when dealing with debt collectors. This includes debt collectors lying about:

    Debt amount

    Debt status

    Their identity

    What actions they are allowed to take under the law

    What consequences you could face in connection to the debt (debt collectors generally are not allowed to claim will you face arrest or imprisonment if you fail to pay a debt)

    Something being a legal, court or government document when it isn’t

What can consumers do when they are subjected to this type of deceptive behavior by debt collectors? Legal actions can be available to stand up for their rights and try to hold debt collectors accountable for misconduct. Attorneys experienced in standing up to debt collectors can help consumers who believe that collection agencies lied to them determine if their rights were violated and pursue justice when violations have occurred.